
Aku and the journey of the Turtle Spirit

  • sea turtles,
  • conservation,
  • activism,
  • youth,
  • children
Target Group
  • Community workers,
  • Students,
  • Artists,
  • Youth
  • English

From 14 May 2024, join us on a journey to the shores of Ghana, leaving you inspired. This exhibition features artwork originally produced for a graphic novel and ezine. We are delighted to feature these images which uses a story to show how sea turtles can be protected by young people.


To encourage efforts to conserve turtle populations, Drama Queens produced the graphic novel Aku and the Journey of the Turtle Spirit. Alongside an illustrated story, the publication includes a zine that presents short stories and poems written in varying languages and dialects by young people from the towns of Anloga and Anyanui.

The coastline of Ghana provides essential habitat for three species of turtle: Olive Ridleys, Green Turtles and Leatherbacks. Loggerheads and Hawksbills also visit the country’s waters. Between September and January, turtles’ nest in the sand, where they lay up to 150 eggs each per season. Sea turtles are crucial to healthy ocean ecosystems. They support coral reefs, forage seagrass and regulate predatory jellyfish. In traditional Ghanaian stories, turtles are represented as protectors and guides during bad weather and rough seas. They are also regarded as saviours who helped ancestors escape from European slave ships. All species of turtle are protected under Ghanaian law. However, poaching and egg harvesting still occur. Plastic debris and fishing nets, pollution, coastal development and environmental erosion are also serious threats.

The following people contributed to this project: Ursula Abanga, Kwame Boateng Acheampong, Ezekiel Addy, Bless Emefa Adevu, Bright Mawunyo Adzagba, Kimathi Agbanu, Dennis Kwaku Frimpong Agyemang, Kokui Edem Axolu, Daniel Baffour, Kofi Konadu Berko, Heine Bravie, Robert Kwame Dapaah, Ramla Bashiru Dapilah, Portia Asantewaa Duah, Amina Gimba, Imara Glymph, Becca Grant, Mirco Gyan, Michaella Gyatsen, Maia Kauffman, Theophly Kwapong, Nyasha Mugavazi, Doris Nana Esi Dede Odoi, Angela Otoo, Xenyo Pearl, James Selasi Quarshie, Gabriella Rockson, Micheala Rockson, Mira Weidner, Alexander Ove Tryde Zachariassen


Aku and the journey of the Turtle Spirit


Page 1: Aku is rescuing trapped turtles on the beach

An image of boats on a beach


Page 2: An angry man accuses Aku of selling turtles. Aku runs away

A cartoon image of how an angry man accuses Aku of selling turtles. Aku runs awayPage 3: Aku manages to throw the rescued turtle into the water but the angry man chases her… But Aku is rescued by a wave which carries her away

A cartoon image of Aku being rescued by a wave which carries her out to sea


Page 4:  Deep in the sea, the spirit turtle is making music

A comic image of the spirit turtle is making music in the deep sea


Page 5: The spirt turtles talks to Aku, giving her a turtle, named KT as reward

A comic image of the spirt turtles talks to Aku, giving her a turtle, named KT as reward


Page 6: Aku wakes up on the beach with KT in her pocket

A comic image of Aku waking up on the beach with KT in her pocket


Page 7: Aku tells her friends about meeting the spirit turtles shows them the baby turtle, KT

A comic page in whiuch Aku tells her friends about meeting the spirit turtles shows them the baby turtle, KT


Page 8: KT speaks to Aku’s friends  and they decide to help save sea turtles

A comic page showing KT speaking to Aku's friends


Page 9: Aku’s friends campaign to save the sea turtles

A comic page showing how Aku's friends campaign to save the sea turtles


Page 10: Aku’s friends do many different things to save the turtles

A comic page showing Aku's friends doing many different things to save the turtlesPage 11: The future is better for sea turtles

An image showing the turtles emerging from the sand