Library Guide

Writing Learning Objectives


Association of American Medical Colleges

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  • English

Writing learning objectives is an important tool to ensure that your conference will succeed. the guide by AAMC will help you draft good learning objectives


Steps for Writing an Objective

  1. Write each objective beginning with the phrase “After participating in this session, attendees should be able to . . . .”
  2. Choose a verb that matches the desired level of knowledge or skill (see information on Bloom’s Taxonomy below).
  • Verbs should indicate specific, measurable, and observable behaviors.
  1. Review each objective to make sure it is an outcome.
  • Double check that you have not created a list of learning activity descriptions or agenda items (for example, “The participants should complete a simulation on how to perform the XYZ procedure”).
  • Your objectives should describe what participants should be able to know or do as a result of a learning experience.
  1. Examples:
  • Poorly defined learning objective: After participating in this session, attendees should be able to explain change management.
  • Well-defined learning objective: After participating in the session, attendees should be able to describe the three essential elements of change management.