The vision of ICEMASA is to strengthen capacities among the African scientific community on climate and ocean sciences, to establish a critical mass in order to sustain research and training activities and to gather skills and competence in global change-related impacts on ocean processes and marine ecosystems
The setting up of the ICEMASA international joint laboratory between the Republic of South Africa and France has a deep attachment in collaborative research projects initiated in 1997 between the University of Cape Town (UCT), Marine and Coastal Management (MCM, now replaced by DEA and DAFF) and IRD. Thus, the VIBES, IDYLE and ECO-UP projects sustained the momentum which led to the establishment of ICEMASA in 2009.
An international joint laboratory (LMI in French) is a partnership instrument designed by IRD. It allows several partners from a single country or from different countries, to develop multidisciplinary research projects using a common scientific platform, and to promote individual and collective training of the partners in developing and emergent countries.