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Coastal and Mar­ine Con­ser­va­tion Drive Pro­ject in Ghana

What is at is­sue:

In or­der to en­hance mar­ine and coastal pro­tec­tion in Ghana, we in­tend to es­tab­lish a Coastal and Mar­ine Con­ser­va­tion Drive Pro­ject (COMAD­RIP) in the West­ern Re­gion of Ghana. The pro­ject will cre­ate a pi­lot site for the design and de­vel­op­ment of a Mar­ine Pro­tec­ted Area (MPA) man­age­ment strategy for the Greater Cape Three Points area that can feed into the na­tional pro­cess for coastal con­ser­va­tion in Ghana.

COMAD­RIP in col­lab­or­a­tion with local com­munit­ies, NGOs, and state act­ors will pro­mote local eco­nomic de­vel­op­ment, nature pro­tec­tion and will con­trib­ute to the achieve­ment of the fol­low­ing sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment goals (SDGs):

1 (reduce poverty),
2 (reduce hunger),
8 (decent work and economic growth) and
14 (life below water).

The pro­ject will work with local com­munit­ies to con­serve crit­ical coastal hab­it­ats and pro­mote coastal live­li­hoods in the se­lec­ted fish­ing com­munit­ies in­volved. It will also con­trib­ute to im­port­ant policy out­comes on MPAs at the local and na­tional scale.

The in­sti­tu­tional in­volve­ment provides ex­cel­lent con­di­tions for sus­tain­ab­il­ity. The pro­ject will be co­ordin­ated by the Centre for Coastal Man­age­ment (the Africa Centre of Ex­cel­lence in Coastal Re­si­li­ence) at the Uni­versity of Cape Coast, Ghana. It will part­ner with civil so­ci­ety or­gan­iz­a­tions in­clud­ing Hen Mpoano and other im­port­ant state act­ors such as the Forestry Com­mis­sion of Ghana.