Network Organization

Southern Africa Data Centre for Oceanography (SADCO)

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  • Local
  • advocacy,
  • co-management,
  • ocean management,
  • fisheries
Target Group
  • Students,
  • Policy makers,
  • Researchers,
  • Teachers
  • English

The Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography (SADCO) stores, retrieves and manipulates multi-disciplinary marine information from the areas around southern Africa.

The Southern African Data Centre for Oceanography (SADCO) stores, retrieves and manipulates multi-disciplinary marine information from the areas around southern Africa.

SADCO has been in existence since the 1960’s, and in its present configuration is hosted by the South African CSIR and located in Stellenbosch, about 50 km east of Cape Town.

SADCO is funded by a number of marine organisations, namely

  • CSIR
  • Marine and Coastal Management branch of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism
  • Namibian Ministry for Fisheries and Marine Resources
  • South African Environmental Observation Network
  • South African Navy

These and other participating organisations are represented on a Steering Committee, along with a representative from the maritime industry. The role of the Steering Committee is to advise on strategic and other issues, review SADCO’s operational progress and decide on work list priorities.