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Experts Panel: Exploring Law & Policy Strategies & Frameworks to Address Climate-Related Ocean Change. 

One Ocean Hub

University of Strathclyde, UK

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  • Law,
  • Customary Law,
  • Law of the Sea,
  • ecosystem mapping,
  • ecosystems assessment,
  • climate,
  • marine science,
  • marine
Target Group
  • Researchers
  • English
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The event will bring marine and climate experts, together to discuss the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on the marine environment and ecosystem.

The event will bring marine and climate experts, together to discuss the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on the marine environment and ecosystem services, potential mitigation and adaptation measures. The aim of the event is to identify synergies between the law of the sea and the climate change regimes that could maximise the effectiveness of potential responses to ongoing and significant changes in the marine ecosystems (and their services to humans) from the local to the global levels as a result from climate change.

Ocean warming and acidification has been already affecting marine productivity (including fisheries), carbon sink processes, distribution of species, and ocean currents patterns. Some of these changes (or the combination of those) could lead to irreversible tipping points in marine systems and the planet more broadly. Hence, the need for a more integrated approach in interpreting and negotiating decisions under relevant global frameworks regarding oceans, climate and biodiversity.

Chairs: Mr Mark J. Spalding (President, The Ocean Foundation) & Dr Francesco Sindico (Reader in International Environmental Law, Strathclyde Univ Law School)