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Indlela yokuphila (the path of life)

One Ocean Hub

University of Strathclyde, UK

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  • Art,
  • United Nations,
  • Ocean Governance,
  • Oceanography
Target Group
  • Artists,
  • Researchers,
  • Policy makers
  • English

The social scientists and artists working on this project use this storytelling to illustrate how, if we are willing to listen closely, scientific knowledge and indigenous knowledge can at times align

The Indlela yokuphila event offers a digital storytelling experience, using illustrations and voice over, of the soul’s journey through the oceans in Zulu traditional ancestral belief. The soul’s journey is remarkably similar to the scientific idea of the water lifecycle. This journey was explained during an interview with a traditional Zulu historian, and a traditional Zulu healer for the One Ocean Hub research project on transformative ocean governance in South Africa.

This project offers an interactive discussion with the researchers and artists on how novel arts-based research approaches reveal shared, inter-related concerns around our oceans within scientific and indigenous knowledge systems. This assists in bridging current disconnects between knowledge systems within oceans-related decision making.