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Women in small-scale fishing communities

Once Ocean Hub, University of Stratchclyde, UK

One Ocean Hub, University of Strathclyde, UK

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  • human rights,
  • Gender Rights,
  • coastal communities
Target Group
  • Community workers,
  • Artists,
  • Policy makers,
  • Researchers,
  • Teachers
  • English
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Immerse yourself in the story of a Ghanaian fish worker, Peace Gavour Abla, through this short film. Discover the challenges faced by Ghanaian women living in coastal communities.

This short film presents the story of a Ghanaian fish worker, Peace Gavour Abla, and discusses the challenges faced by Ghanaian women living in coastal communities. The film highlights the importance of improving the protection of women’s human rights in small-scale fisheries and holding governments and businesses accountable. Around the world, women play a critical role along the entire economic value chain in small-scale fisheries, but their voice is often not heard. In Ghana, the One Ocean Hub together with civil society partners organises a series of workshops, aiming to better understand the barriers and opportunities to protecting the human rights of women in small-scale fisheries. The film celebrates women in small-scale fisheries who strive for genuine participation in ocean-related decision-making.