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One Ocean Hub Policy Brief: How to enable transformative science during the International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

One Ocean Hub

University of Strathclyde, UK

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  • ocean sciences,
  • sustainable development,
  • local knowledge
Target Group
  • Policy makers
  • English
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How to enable transformative science during the International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development “Transforming ourselves before we transform how we make decisions on the ocean”


The One Ocean Hub can be considered a working prototype of
transformative ocean science for sustainable development, which has been
enabled by UK’s Global Challenges Research Fund. The aim of this policy brief
is to share our early experience in, and learning from, co-design and testing of
the potential of a model for transformative change and the directions we are
heading towards. We have experienced that clear roles and responsibilities
on both the funding body and the community of researchers can create
the conditions for transformative ocean science. These include explicit
requirements for ensuring, monitoring and learning from inter-disciplinary
research, co-development of knowledge and solutions with stakeholders, and
advancement of fairness in partnerships. This brief highlights three specific
lessons learned in this connection: mutual understanding of benefits for
different partners; the creation of knowledge ecosystems; and the need to
design research to address the science-policy interface at multiple scales.