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Transdisciplinarity in transformative ocean governance research – reflections of early career researchers

E Strand, M., Ortega-Cisneros, K., Niner, H., Wahome, M., Bell, J., Currie, J. C., Hamukuaya, H., La Bianca, G., Lancaster, A. M. S. N., Maseka, N., McDonald, L., McQuaid, K., Samuel, M. M. and Winkler, A.

One Ocean Hub, University of Strathclyde, UK

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  • transdisciplinarity,
  • One ocean Hub,
  • early career researchers,
  • multistakeholder processes
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  • Researchers
  • English
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This paper highlights the challenges faced by early career researchers and emphasizes the need for a shift to knowlegde co-production with non-academic collaborators.

This paper discusses the role and importance of transdisciplinarity for transformative ocean governance research, and outlines some of the common challenges that early career researchers experience. The paper outlines transdisciplinary research as knowledge production that transcends the disciplines to work with non-academic collaborators, such as government representatives, local community members and industry employees. The emphasis on collaborators or co-researchers, is important here, as much transdisciplinary research continues to pursue knowledge production processes where non-academic collaborators are merely research participants, and the authors argue that ‘future transdisciplinarity will need to address power imbalances in existing research methods to achieve knowledge co-production, as opposed to knowledge integration.


Citation: Strand, M., Ortega-Cisneros, K., Niner, H., Wahome, M., Bell, J., Currie, J. C., Hamukuaya, H., La Bianca, G., Lancaster, A. M. S. N., Maseka, N., McDonald, L., McQuaid, K., Samuel, M. M. and Winkler, A. 2022. Transdisciplinarity in transformative ocean governance research – reflections of early career researchers, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79:8, 2163-2177.