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Transdisciplinary research to the rescue!

Once Ocean Hub, University of Stratchclyde, UK

One Ocean Hub, University of Strathclyde, UK

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  • transdisciplinarity,
  • One ocean Hub,
  • research in oceans,
  • ocean sciences,
  • Art and Humanities
Target Group
  • Researchers,
  • Policy makers,
  • Students,
  • Youth
  • English
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The video defines transdisciplinarity as surpassing disciplinary boundaries to connect science with practice, emphasizing its origins at the 1994 First World Congress on Transdisciplinarity.

This short video clip outlines a definition of transdisciplinarity as transcending disciplinary boundaries and bridging science with practice. Gives a background of the concept as considered by the First World Congress on Transdisciplinarity in 1994, outlining important aspects such as respect for differences. The presentation highlights that transdisciplinarity can be perceived to tackle real life problems, and create knowledge that is solution-oriented to complex sustainability challenges. In the video, Payal also outlines the differences between multidisciplinarity as people from different disciplines working together and interdisciplinarity as researchers working across and integrating various disciplines when formulating and studying a specific issue.


Video Citation:  One Ocean Hub. 2020. Transdisciplinary research to the rescue, FROM 15:45 TO 26:55.