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What do arts-based research approaches offer for the protection of the human rights for small-scale fishers?

Kira Erwin

One Ocean Hub, Durban University of Technology

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  • Art,
  • small-scale fishers,
  • advocacy,
  • human rights,
  • art-based approach,
  • Ocean Governance,
  • social justice
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  • Artists
  • English
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This post shares the art-based methods used to address the marginalisation of small-scale fishers, promoting equitable and inclusive public dialogue by carefully considering power dynamics.

Published on July 11 2023, this blog post reflects on the efforts of the One Ocean Hub researchers in South Africa to pioneer participatory and inclusive art-based research methods and responses to the marginalisation of small-scale fishers. Arts-based research approaches have useful methods and techniques for shaping equitable and inclusive public dialogue forums. Through paying careful attention to power dynamics arts-based approaches can find alternative mediums, methods and languages for inclusive and meaningful participation.